The American South

  • Created by: Meg 123
  • Created on: 28-05-19 11:06

The American South (General)

The Southern states of America (for example, Georgia, Alabama, North/South Carolina) were those which depended on plantation and salvery in the pre- Civil War era.

Southern Belle 

The Souhern Belle is a stock character representing a young woman of the American Deep South's upper socio-economic class. The image of the southern belle developed in the South during the antebellum (pre Civil War) period. It was based on the young, unmarried woman in the planation-owning upper class of Southern society.

The image of a southern belle is often characterised by antebellum fashion elements, such as a hoop skirt, corset, a wide brimmed straw hat, and gloves. As signs of tanning were considered working-class and unfashionable during this era, parasol umbrellas and hand fans are also represented as part of the southern belle atire.

Southern Belles were expected


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