T1:A: Hagiographical and mythological interpretations of the conception dream of Maya and events surrounding the birth

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 28-12-17 15:06

The conception and birth of the Buddha: Queen Maya had a vivid dream about being taken to the Himalayas by angels and the Buddha disguised as a white elephant bearing a lotus flower entered her womb through her side to conceive and initiate pregnancy. At the moment of conception there were earthquakes and 32 miraculous signs around the world. The Buddha was born clean as a jewel and two streams of water spurted forth from the sky. Angels caught the Buddha in a golden net and after surveying all four corners of the world, the Buddha took seven steps and spoke. 

Interpreting the hagiographical and mythological elements of the conception and birth narratives:

  • The Buddha is special and unique - Gautama was…


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