Synoptic Q5: Sin (Luke)


Key people associated with Sin


According to the cambridge dictionary, sin can be described as the "breaking of a religious or moral law." If God says 'Do not lie' and you lie, then you have sinned. (Isaiah 59:2)

First issue:

In Luke's gospel, one key person that contributed to the idea of sin was Jesus. He taught that sin could be forgiven by God, as long as they were sorry. 

Jesus told many parables to show sinners in a good light and also preformed mirales for their benfit. In the paralysed man (5:17), Jesus says 'Frriend your sins are forgiven' and he heals the paralysed man to show this.

In Luke 17:3 Jesus says, 'if your brother or sister sins against you, rebuke them and if they repent, forgive them.", reinforcing the idea that Jesus believed in forgiveness for all sins, if they were sorry.

However, in y study of ethics there is considerable opposition to the idea of forgiving sins. The utilitiran ideal, which aims to promote the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number, implies that punishment for sins can be morally justified if it benefits society.

Rather than follow Jesus' teaching of 'turn the other cheek;, many philosophers i have learned about in ethics, agree with retribution (revenge) as a form of punishment for sins, rather than forgiveness. Philosopher kant agreed that it is important that criminals get what they deserve.

Issue 2:

Another idea on the concept of sin by Jesus, was the way he responded to the temptation of sin. Throughout Luke's gospel, Jesus is constantly challenged by the temptation to divert from his mission…


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