Sustainable Farming


Sustainable Food Production


There is over exploitation of the worlds fisheries. Sustainably fishing involves catch limits.


Often involves unsustainable proceses. Chemicals are used to maximise processes and large amounts of energy are used for indoor rearing.

Seasonal and local consumption:

In the past food was bought from local sources e.e.g farms or makets. Fruit and vegetables would only be available when in season. With better transport it is now possible to eat every type of food all year round.

Reducing food waste:

Almost half the food lost in countries is fruit and vegetables. This is because they ust be kept fresh and stored in cool places. By halving the amount of food waste, food supply on demand could be reduced by 22% by 2050

Urban Farming:

The cultivation, processing and distribution of food in urban areas. It's becoming more popular becaus a greater choice of food are available for ahealthy diet.


This is a system of food production which follows patterns and features of natural ecosystems. It aims to be sustainable, non-polluting and healthy. It includes harvesting rainwater, compositing waste and redesigning gardens to include a wide variety of plants and trees.

Organic farming:

This is the growing


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