support for germany in the lean years

  • Created by: roshan111
  • Created on: 16-02-22 16:28

 Support for the Nazis in the lean years, 1924-1928

20th December Hitler was released from prison

He used the 9 months in prison to plan how he would become the leader of Germany and wrote a book called Mein Kampf also known as my struggle.

In Febuary 1925 Hitleer puersuaded officials to lift the ban of the nazi party that was placed after the beer hall putsch. The ban was then lifted. After the ban Hitler made new organisations to try bring people into the Nazi party some being the Mens organisations, Womens organisations, Teachers organisation and the Hitler youth. Hitler also realised that one of the biggest reasons that the Nazi party failed was because it was in one part of Germany so Hitler decided to split the nazi party into 30 different regions to gain more membors and grow bigger. This meant that he could compete in the elections


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