Summary of Salvation History

  • God created the universe, and made it clear in Genesis 1:26-27, that humans were put on earth to rule over, and lead the other creatures, as well as maintain the earth; they are the pinnacle of Gods creation. 
  • God created Abraham, who went on to have many descendents, whom inherited the Promised Land. His 12 great-grandsons were known as the 'Founding Fathers' of the 12 Tribes of Israel. 
  • Their ancestors became the slaves in Egypt. Moses was sent down by God to liberate them, and they spent the next 40 years in the wilderness; this period is called 'The Exodus'. During this time, God sent down the 10 commandmnents, which was the New Law that these freed slaves must follow. 
  • When Moses dies, Joshua is the new leader; he splits the promised land between the 12 tribes. People began to be unfaithful to god again, so god chose men and women to be 'judges' to lead them to victory. The cycle of unfaithfulness begins again, however. 
  • Saul is the first…


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