Stuff for History Exam

  • Created by: Jess
  • Created on: 30-05-11 12:19

Treaty Of Versailles: Decided: 28th June 1919

The BIG three: David Lloyd George/ Clemenceau/ Woodrow Wilson.

What did it impose on Germany? Gargle

Guilt: Article 231 stated that Germany was responsible for the war and it's damage.

Armed Forces: Germany was only allowed 100,000 men, NO airforce, ONLY 6 battleships and the RHINELAND was DEMILITARISED.

Reparations: Germany had to pay a sum total of £6,600,000,000 (or 132 billion gold       marks) Total wasn't decided until 1921.

German Land (Lebensraum):German Colonies were given away and became       'mandates' controlled by the League of Nations.       (basically meant they were ran by Britain and France)

League Of Nations: Germany was not allowed to join until they we're a 'peaceful' nation. (They eventually joined in 1926)

Views: British public was pleased yet Lloyd George believed they had 'squeezed' Germany to much and it meant that Britain could not trade with them. Clemenceau didn't think the treaty was HARSH enough and believed that Germany needed to be completely crippled so they weren't a threat. Woodrow Wilson thought the treaty was TOO harsh and therefore would result in another war because Germany would want revenge. He was disappointed. Germany hated the treaty. They believed it was completely unfair and thought they should have had a say in what happened to them instead of it being forced on them.

Other Treaty's: Treaty Of San Germain 1919 (Austria) / Treaty Of Nevilly 1919 (Bulgaria) / Treaty Of Trianon 1920 (Hungary) / Treaty Of Sevres 1920 (Turkey)

League Of Nations:

Aims: to discourage aggression from any nation / to encourage nations to co-operate especially in trade and business / to encourage nations to disarm / to improve working and living conditions in all parts of the world.

Council: Met 5 times a year / permanent members were Britain, France, Italy,Japan / to enforce moral condemnation (which country is to blame), economic and financial sanctions (league members could refuse to trade with 'aggressor country', military force (armed forces of league


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