Structures of carbon

  • Created by: Muminah
  • Created on: 27-05-19 18:37

Structures of carbon

-its atoms can arrange themselves into different structures.

-Diamond is very hard and each carbon atom forms covalent bonds.

-Makes diamond really hard.

-Takes energy to break the covalent bonds.

-Diamond has a high melting point and they don't conduct electricity.

-Has no free electrons or ions.

-Graphite contains layers of hexagons.

-arranged in hexagons and their atom forms 3 covalent bonds.

-No covalent bonds between the layers.

-Layers move each other and it makes it soft and slippery.

-Lots of energy needed to break the covalent bonds in the layers.

-graphite has a high melting point.

-each carbon atom has one electron that's free to move.

-graphite conducts electricity and thermal energy.

Graphene is one layer of graphite.

-sheet of carbon atoms joined together in hexagons.

-covalent bonds make it strong and light.

-graphene makes materials stronger but not much heavier.

-contains electrons that are


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