Species and taxonomy



  • Organisation of living organisms into a group
  • This process is not randombut is based on a number of accepted principles


  • Capable of breeding to prudce living, fertile offspring

Binomial system:

  • It is a universal system based upon Latin or Greek names
  • The first name is called the generic name denotes the genus to which the organism belongs
  • The second name is called the specific name and denotes the species to which the organism belongs

Rules that apply to the use of the binomial system:

  • The names are printed in italics, or if handwritten they are underlined to indicate that they are scientific names
  • The first letter of the generic name is in upper case but the specific name is in lower case
  • If the specific name is not knows it can be written as 'sp'

Courtship behaviour:

  • The behaviour of members of the same species is more alike than that of members of different species
  • Individuals can therefore recognise members of their own species by the way they act
  • The ability to display a behaviour is genetically determined
  • It too has evolved and it influences the chances of survival
  • Used by males to determine whether the female is at a receptive stage

Reproduction -

  • The means by which a species can survive over time
  • Each individul has adaptations that help to ensure that their DNA is passed on through reproductive success to the next generation
  • Females of most species only produce eggs at specific times
  • It is therefore important to ensure that mating is successful and that the offspring have the maximum chance of survival

Courtship behaviour helps to achieve this by enabling individuals to -

  • Recognise members of their own species - to ensure that mating only takes place between members of the same species because only members of the same species can produce fertile offspring
  • Identify a mate that is capable of breeding - because both parters need to be sexually mature, fertile and receptive to mating
  • Form a pair bond - that will lead to successful mating and raising of offspring
  • Synchronise mating - so that it


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