Solar System Science Notes


Tides are greater when the moon and sun and earth are directly in line than perpendicular.

Spring tides or high tides happen when the moon is aligned with the sun.

A neap tide is when the tidal range or the tide is at its lowest or smallest. 

So if the place where you are (northern/Southern Hemisphere) is tilted towards the sun the sun rays are going to be strong and it’s going to be hot. Summertime!

And if you live in a place that’s tilted away from the sun, it’s going to be cold! Winter!

Since the Earth orbits the Sun on an elliptical path, the distance from the Sun changes over the course of the year.

Solar eclipses occur when the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun. 

An annular solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes right in the center of the Sun. A bright ring, or annulus, or sunlight remains visible during the eclipse. 

A solar eclipse may be total, partial, or annular…


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