sociology revision

  • Created by: LivShultz
  • Created on: 27-12-20 14:12

It is assumed that the family is of equal benefit to all, however the dominant class benefits more as they have easier access to more rescources.

The family opresses women and exploits them. Women have to stay at home and do domestic labour whereas men can go out and work and overall have more freedom.

Functionalists see socialisation as a one way process and view children as passive recipients of culture. This is a critism because children are seen as lower down on the scale to their parents, when in reality they are the next generation and they are going to be passing down values and culture to their children.

Symmetrical families:

Changes in women's position contributes to the rise of symmetrical families because women are out at work more. This means that she isn't at home all day to do the housework so the jobs have to be shared out.

Geographical mobility contributes to the rise of symmetrical families because if a family is moving to a completely new area away from their family and freinds then they won't have anyone other than their partner, meaning they will be going out less so they have more time to do the family practices.

New technology also contributes to the rise of symmetrical families because the new technology will save them time so the men don't need to put as much effort in while doing jobs. For example, washing machines are used instead of having to do it manually, which saves time and is a lot easier.

Higher standards of living contributes to the rise of symmetrical families as times have changed and people have expectations of living. Women are no long expected to have to do all household chores because it is more acceptable and mroe common now for men to help out.

Domestic violence:

Radical feminist explanation:

Evidence of patriarchy. They see key division in society as that between men…


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