Sociological Perspectives Of Foreign Aid


Modernisation Theory and Aid

Rostow argued that aid had an essential part in helping traditional societies move up in the stages of development- helps developming countries 'Take Off' (Refer to Rostow's Development model). He belives aid should be used to change internal values cultural attitudes by setting up modern meritocratic education and focusing on issues such as family planning.

Modernisation theorists acknowlege that elites in the developing world would benifit first, but the poor would later benefit as the wealth aid brings would 'trickle down' and diffuse.

Modernisations thoerists view of aid has been very influencial, as it is based on the idea Western Invervention can help poor countries develop. The arguements of modernisation theorists encourage the policies of;

  • Western Goverments who provide bilateral and multilateral aid
  • Agencies like the World Bank and United Nations
  • N.G.O's

Dependency Theory and Aid

Neo-Marxists question the role of aid, and argue that the main function of aid is not to assist development, but rather to bring about under-development and to benefit Western political and economic interests.

Hayter argues that offical aid is a vehicle for continuing the underdevelopment of the Third World, and it another form of neo-colonialism. Due to the fact that development promoted by aid is aimed at reproducing the interests of capitalism and Western nations.
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