Social Learning Theory

  • Created by: pripriaj
  • Created on: 08-12-15 10:16

Social Learning Theory

Key assumptions of SLT:

  • Learning takes place in a social context
  • we observe behaviour from people in social situations.
  • other people act as role models for the observer and will be imitated depending on their characteristics
  • observation doesnt always lead to imitation.
  • conscious thought is used in producing behaviour.
  • combines behaviourist and cognitive psychology.

expextancy and forethought: behaviour will only be imitated if there is an exprection of being reinforced for doing so (vicarious reinforcement)

Vicarious Reinforcement: observing positive concequences of role models behaviour and feeling compelled to do the same.

self-efficacy: belief a person has about whether they are capable of reproducing the behaviour to contol events and what will happen if they do.

Bandura's Four stages of Observational learning:

Bandura believed that we learn in 4 stages, these are as follows:

  • Attention -concentrating on model and relveant behaviour.
  • Retention-keeping what is stored in memory
  • Motor Reproduction- being abloe to reproduce the behaviour seen
  • Motivational processes- the presence of reinforcement (or punishment) motivates the individual to imitate or not

Bandura's study :


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