Social Class


Social Class Name-Drops:

  • In 2003. less than 40% of children from working-class backgrounds achieved five or more GCSEs at grades A*-C, whereas more than 65% of those from middle classes achieved this level.
  • In 200586% of children from the highest class remained in full-time education after 16, compared with 62% from the lowest class.
  • David Locwood- identified distinctive subcultures associated with the middle class and the working class. Time orientation (working classes do not worry about the future, whereas middle classes think ahead), attitude to gratification (working classes enjoy rewards now, whereas middle class put off leasure nwo to achieve greater pleasure in the future), and collectivism versus individualism (workign class preferred to achieve through collective action, working class through individual action).
  • Sugarman- argues that the present-time orientation and inability to defer gratification of the working class makes them unlikely to sacrifice immdeiate icnome in order to stay on in education to gain higher wages and a better job in long term.
  • Douglas' Cultural Deprivation Theory- in a longitudinal study, he found that working-class parents showed less interest in their children's education than middle-class parents. They also gave less attention and stimulation over the years; therefore he beleived


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