Situation Ethics


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  • teleological - telos - end or purpose
  • consequentialist theory - only the end justifies the means
  • Situationism is the key concept
  • Rejects absolutes
  • All decisions made using agapé

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  • 1960s social reform
  • protests to end the war in Vietnam
  • Civil Rights Movement in the USA
  • Sexual Liberalisation -> pill and abortion act
  • Reform in the Church with worries about sex before marriage and the sanctity of marriage

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  • Fletcher - re-proposed the theory in the 1960s in response to the cultural change
  • "the morality of an action depends on the situation"
  • Looked at 3 different approaches: Antinomianism, Legalism and Situationism
  • "it is literally unprincipled" means 'against law', no ethical system, each decision made spontaneously, "they are anarchic"
  • A set of moral laws that must be kept "this causes problems as life's complexities require additional laws"
  • enters into each moral dilemma with the rules on any given society but must be willing to disregarf those rules in order to serve love better "the situationist follows a moral law


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