Situation Ethics Notes


-       Situation Ethics is a Christian theory and uses the same kinds of biblical passages as the Natural Moral Law Theory.

-       He wrote his book called Situation Ethics: The New Morality in a post war era where people felt that there was no need for rules.

-       It is a teleological law, so it focuses on the product or goal of the action and suggests that we should look at the purpose of an action as it is the most important factor.

-       It is also a relativist theory as each situation is assessed differently and it has no rules or morals to go by.

-       It is a consequentialist theory as the moral quality is assessed by the outcome or result of an action rather than the act itself.

-       In situation ethics the only rule is love and that is what it is judged on.

-       The good outcome is the most loving action in that situation.

-       During the 60’s Fletcher believed that each act was based on either the legalistic or antinomianism laws rather than doing what was best for everyone in the situation.

-       In a legalistic law following the law is what is most important. This approach is restrictive as it doesn’t give people a choice and it is also uncompassionate.

-       In an antinomianism law there is little to no guidance as to what to do. It is very casual as anything goes and rejects the idea of authority. It can lead to anarchy as there is no say on what is good and what is bad.

-       Fletcher decided that the best way to solve all this was to have the middle way between both worlds. He created situation ethics which had no strict rules, one firm guiding principle through love and it was influenced by the teachings and life of Jesus Christ.

-       Fletcher speaks of agape as the type of love that Situation Ethics focuses on and it is the love expressed the most in the old testament.

-       Agape love is practical and has nothing to do without emotions,


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