'Si' Clauses

  • Created by: Lizzie
  • Created on: 19-05-13 17:41

 “SI” clauses


There are 3 main patterns when using SI in a sentence.



(SI + present tense è  present or future tense)


If you want, you can come with us tomorrow.

Si tu veux, tu peux venir avec nous demain


If we read more books we will learn more vocabulary.

Si nous lisons plus de livres nous apprendrons plus de vocabulaire.


PATTERN B  (si + imperfect è conditional )

If we went to the library we would find lots of books.

Si nous allions à la bibliothèque nous trouverions beaucoup de livres.


PATTERN C (si + pluperfect è conditional perfect)

If we had read the paper we would have understood the story.

Si nous avions lu le journal nous aurions compris


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