sheila birling


01 How does Priestley use Sheila’s change throughout the play to present his ideas??

Write about:

● How Sheila responds to her family and to the Inspector

● How Priestley presents the change in Sheila by the way he writes

1) at the start of the play, sheila is presented as obedient to her parents and having not properly formed an opinion on her perspective of the world

"half serious, half playful

- stage directions, contrast

- these constrasting adjectives paint sheila as lost and not very confident in her standing

- it shows how the younger generation were completely controlled by the older generation and had no say in their lives

- also representative of how women were not encoraged to have their own views

- half suggests that she is not fully matured yet, which gives hope when the inspector comes, presents her as malleable to his veiws

2) sheila is also protayed as a product of her environments as self absorbed and vain without meaning to be

- shown in her pettiness towards eva in the shop - shows she is fragile and not resilient - has not had any adversity in her life

-"if she was a plain, miserable little creature i dont suppose i would have done it"

- shows how women were only judged on their appearances in the 1912s, and how women were conditioned to only see this in other women - no women supporting women

- they did not have the vote at this time, only once the war was over did they have more power

- use…


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