Sexual selection and human reproductive behaviour

  • Created by: Charlie
  • Created on: 29-12-12 16:13

In 1984 Darwin first purposed the theory of natural selection; it explains two processes in which all species mate. First through intra sexual selection this is when males compete with other males for access to females. The victors in these contests go on to mate and pass whatever genes that helped them in succeeding to the next generation. The other process this theory describes is intersexual selection, this involves what preferences one sex has of the other, so if members of the opposite sex have these traits they have a better chance being chosen as a mate.  Ultimately these traits determine the way in which the other sex must compete, an example of this in nature is the peacocks tail such a trait that could have attacted danger would have be phased out if it didnt have have advantages when it came to obtaining a mate. In humans the peacocks tail could translate into resouces in males, as this would make them good fathers as they would be able to invest in thier offspring.on the other hand males would find youth in females attactive as it impiles fertilty (A01)

Sexual selection is affected by parental investment, in long term relationships both sexes tend to invest in their offspring. As a consequence of this both men and women can afford to be choosy when it comes to selecting a mate. Women have and obligatory biological investment in their child and are attracted to men who have resources to invest in her children.


Also when selecting a mate men and women will look for certain indicator that show they have good genes (good genes = healthy baby). Women find men with a chiseled jaw and prominant cheek bones attractive because it indicates high levels of testoerone and this is meant to weaken the…


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