
  • Created by: birds
  • Created on: 29-09-15 13:13


This theory is linked to the cognitive idea of locus of control. Bandura considered self-efficacy as being a strong indicator of a person's potential to adopt a health behaviour. Self-efficacy means how effective a person thinks they will be at successfully adopting a health behaviour. This is a cognitive model, that focuses on the persons thought processes. Bandura believed that although locus of control played a role in determining the prediction of health behaviour, but felt that determining behaviour went beyond just the simple explanation of locus of control. Bandura stated that learning from consequences was a cognitive process and would result in an outcome expectancy, meaning that based on previous experiences, a person can predict the outcome of the situation if repeated. Another concept that could affect out behaviour is the efficacy expectation, this is a persons believe that that they can successful do whatever it takes to reach the outcome desired. A number of factors effect a persons efficacy expectation such as:

  • vicarious experience- seeing others do something successful
  • verbal persuasion- others telling you that you can do something
  • emotional arousal- high levels…


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