Section 2: The downfall of Tsar (22 marker)


Q. The effects of the First World War were responsible for the downfall of the Tsar Nicholas 2nd in February 1917. How far would you agree?


In February 1917 the tsar lost control of Russia due to long term factors and short term trigger events, including the war, the state of the economy and political problems.

First World War:

The outbreak of the First World War highlighted the serious political problems. In fact it made them worse- to the point where the tsar could no longer remain on the throne.

During the war, Russia's fragile economy collapsed as the country was not ready for the demans of a modern, industrial war.

it was incapable of producing the large amounts of goods required for wartime, including unifroms and weapons.

It's agricultural and transport systems were badly out of date.

The government failed to coordinate food, fuel and transport resources. As a result inflation increased rapidly. Workers wages could not keep up with the rising prices. This was one of the grievances that triggered the February revolution nd was demonstrated at the Putilov steel work strikes in Petrodgrad.

Agriculture was also hit hard by the war. Shortages grew worse, particulary for industrial workers.

Priority in food supply went to the army rather than the workers.

Furthermore, a poor transport system prevented food from reaching the cities and often it was left rotting in railway stations.

Worker discontent over food shortages was a


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