Section 2: Food Science - Chapter 3: Cooking of food and heat transfer - 1: Why food is cooked and how heat is transferred to food

  • Created by: erp2002
  • Created on: 11-06-17 18:51
  • Why food is cooked:
    • To make food safe to eat:
      • High-risk foods muct be thoroughly cooked to destroy food poisoning bacteria and natural poisons
    • To develop flavour:
      • Cooking causes chemical reactions in food that develop flavour
      • Cooking concentrates flavour by causing water in food to evaporate
    • To imporve texture and appearance:
      • Starch granules swell and gelatinise causing food to thicken or soften
      • Meat is tenderised
      • Fats melt and give smooth 'mouth-feel'
      • Plant cells soften - vegetables and fruits become tender
      • Raw doughs rise and become light in texture
      • Cooking makes some foods crisp on the outside
    • To improve shelf-life of food:
      • Cooking destroys micro-organisms and preserves food
    • To give variety in the diet:
      • Foods can be cooked in several different ways for variety, e.g. potatoes
  • Heat transfer:
    • Conduction:
      • Atoms in metal pans and baking trays start to vibrate…


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