science: Cells and Microscopy (p11-13)


Prokaryotes or Eukaryotes 

1)  Cells can be either prokaryotes or Eukaryotes 

2) Prokaryotic cells are smaller and simpler.

3) Eukaryotic cells are complex, they include animal and plant cells (all).

4) Prokaryote is a prokaryotic cell (it's single- celled organism)

5) Eukaryote are organisms that are made up of eukaryotic cells.


1) Nucleus- contains genetic material, controls the body.

2) Cytoplasm- gel-like substance where most chemical reactions happen. Contains enzymes-control chemical reactions.

3) Cell membrane- holds cells together, controls what goes in and out.

4) Mitochondria- most reactions for aerobic respirations take place. Respiration transfer energy that the cell needs to work.

5) Ribosomes- these are where proteins are…


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