Sanctity of life principle notes

  • Created by: Berbtato
  • Created on: 12-03-17 17:55

Sanctity of life principle

Many versions of the sanctity of life argument, but its often hard to determine when someone reaches the place were life is 'no longer worth living'.

Some argue that the argument of weak sanctity of life, that euthanasia is acceptable when their life is so poor, is indifferent from the quality of life argument.

Those who hold strong sanctity of life view are against all non-religious views that try and dilute or weaken the status of life.

Vitalists/Pro-life/Strong sanctity of life followers argue there is no exception and a life cannot be taken as the soul is a sacred gift from God. Even from as early as conception the soul exists and must be preserved.

This principle is based on Jewish and christian biblical ideas.

"Life is set apart by God" - Every human is made in the image and likeness of God, setting us apart from all other species. Creation of Jesus as God in human form reaffirms this view

"Life is a gift from God that is on loan to humans" - Our soul or life…



