Russification under Alexander 3rd


russification is the name given to the policy created under Alexander 3rd, which was designed to bind all the Russian people around 1 person, the Tsar.

tsar Alexander the 3rd felt that russification was necessary due to a number of factors. the country was, and still is, a significantly large one, and it was felt necessary that the large population needed to be united together, to make it stronger. it was also seen as a countermeasure to try and prevent revolutionaries, something which severely threatened the tsar. the policy was also seen as a measure to increase the support for the tsarist regime, something that we can see wavering at this point. the policy also aimed to increase autocratic power, something that Alexander the 3rd can be seen to be desperate for. 

before Alexander 3rd's Russification policy came in, russification meant that all the tsa'rs subjects, whatever their nationality, should be accepted by the tsars as being ethnic groups of their own right, provided that they acknowledge their allegiance to the Russian state, which included both the government and the Russian church.

alexander 2nd did introduce his own policy of Russification, but this was associated more…


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