RS mrs dodd

  • Created by: Jess4989
  • Created on: 07-04-18 10:22

The nature of the Devine and Evil

Many religious people believe the devine is revealed to humans through special revelations, visions and general revelation, scripture. 

Types of special revelation

  • Miracles - supernatural event caused by God
  • Experience of jesus, God incarnate, when he was alive
  • Visions (an example of a miracle)
  • Prayer


many people believe that jesus was God incarnate (in the flesh), aand people who met jesus directly experienced God. They experienced God's powers through Jesus' miracles including healings; and Gods will through Jesus' teaching.

Athiests and people of other religions will not believe that Jesus was God, so will not believe that he was an example of God himself. 


Some visions take place while the visionary is awake, and others occur within dreams. Visions show that God is active in the world.

Examples of christian visions,

Sanit Bernadette, had 18 visions of the virgin Mary in a small grotto outside Lourdes. Mary appeared as a beautiful lady throught a golden-coloured cloud. during the vision Mary said to Bernadette that "I am the immaculate conception" (only just made docrine by the church, highly unlikely a peasant girl knew about it). Mary told Bernadette to dig into the ground where she found a spring of water, mary promised this water had healing powers. Bernadette was able to give detailed accounts of these visions and after investigaton they were accepted as genuine by the Catholic Church. Because of these visions Bernadette became a nun.

Saint Paul, a jew who persecuted christians was on the road to demascus and heard the voice of Jesus say "Saul why do you persecute me?" for 3 days Saul was blind. Then a christian came to heal him saying God had sent him to dod so. Saul travelled extensively spreading the


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