RESEARCH METHODS; sampling methods


RANDOM / SYSTEMATIC RANDOM SAMPLING: random; every member of the target population has an equal chance of being selected for the sample and systematic; every nth memeber of the target population is selected for the sample 


everyone has the same chance ( if repeated a similar sample will emerge - reliable), not biased - represntiveness, preffered by positivts because of its scientific, objective nature - reliable 


time consuming, people may pull out, lowers rep + gen. the sampling frame wont't always provide useful info, can lack rep if a greater no. of one type of person is picked 

STRATIFIED SAMPLING: to obtain this type of sample, different sub groups in the target population are identified; then people are randomly selected from these groups in the proportion to their numbers in the target popultion


can ensure that each group is represented, not biased - represntiveness. preffered by positivsts because of its scientific, objective nature - reliable 


time consuming, people may pull out lowers rep and gen, sampling frame may not give specific groups to include - lowers rep + gen this can be biased

QUOTA SAMPLING: (similar to stratified) have a quota to fill…


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