
  • Created by: Carly
  • Created on: 28-05-12 19:11

Kerckhoff and Davis 19 62 - Filter Model.

Sprecher 19 98 - couples matched in attractiveness, social background and interests. Have longer relationships.

O'Conner and Rosenblood 19 96 - Affiliation Model. Reward/ Need theory. Different amounts of social contact needed.

Smith and Mackie 2002 - Happy relationships meet the needs of both people.

Rusbult and van Lange 19 96 - Rewards important in determining how a relationship will develop.

Clark and Mills 19 79 - *** for tat - exchange relationship. Leads to communal relationship.

Duck and Miell 19 86 - Self-disclosure. Regulated by norms relating to when info should be reviled and what should be avoided.

Murstein 19 72 - Match Hypothesis.

Silverman 19 71 - rating and dating in bars.

Mckillip and Riedel 19 93 - Friends matched similarly.

Byrne 19 70 - Law of attraction. Similarities

Singh and Ho 2000 - Differences in at***udes can lead us to dilike people (YOU ***).

Festinger et al 1950 - Halls of residence.

Bossard 1932 - Philadelphia couples.

Homans 19 71 - Social exchange theory. Profit and costs.

Argyle 19 87 - Challenges Homan. Only count costs once dissatisfied in relationship.

Thibaut and Kelley 19 59 - Interdependence theory. compare to previious relationships. Compare to others on offer.

Duck 19 94 - Challenges Thibaut. Only look for alternatives when dissatisfied.

Rusbult and van Lange 19 96 - The Investment Model.

Impett et al 2002  supports this.

Walster 1978 - Equity Theory

Van Yperen and Buunk 19 90 - 65% rated as equitable. 25% men over-benefited and 25% of women under-benefited. 

Dwyer 2000 - lesbians put a considerable amount of value on equity.

Miell and Croghan 19 96 - In western cultures equity is more important.

Duck 1988 - dissolution model.

Bruce and Young 19 98 - both men and women have a preference for symmetrical faces. YOUNG AND SYMMETRY

Langlois et al 2000 - Meta Analysis. Agreement cross culturally on who was attractive.

Singh 19 93 - Body shape. Waist to hip ratio of 0.7. Hour glass shape. Across cultures. 

Dunbar and Waynforth 19 95 - Younger partner is important to 42% of men and only a quater of women. Attractiveness is neccessary to 44% of men and 22% of women. 

Baiky and Zucker 19 95 -Preferences of gay and straight men are similar. Interested in Physical attractiveness…


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