Reproduction and Meiosis

  • Created by: tiacoles
  • Created on: 01-02-16 20:34

Asexual Reproduction

Budding in Yeast Cells

  • Yeast are single-celled microorganisms and are a type of fungi. Yeast cells are eukaryotic. 
  • Reproduces asexually. 
  • They are gentically identical.
  • 1. The parent yeast cell swells on one side, forming a bud at the surface of the cell.
  • 2. The cell undergoes interphase - the DNA and organelles are replicated ready for the cell to divide. 
  • 3. The cell begins to undergo mitosis - the replicated DNA, cytoplasm and organelles move into the bud. 
  • 4. Nuclear division is complete - the budding cell contains a nucleus that has an identical copy of the parent cells' DNA. 
  • 5. Cytokinesis occurs and the bud pinches off from the parent cell, producing a new, genetically identical yeast cell. 

Sexual Reproduction

  • Gametes are the sperm cells in males and egg cells in females. In sexual reproduction two gametes join together and a fertilisation to form a zygote occurs, which divides and develops into a new organism. 
  • Normal body cells have the diploid number (2n) of


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