Religion for Weber and Marx

  • Weber:
  • Concentrates on 'World religion' which are religions which have large numbers of followers and densely affected the course of global history.
  • E.g:
  • 1.Hinduism (1951), 2.Buddhism (1952), 3. Taoism (1958) and 4. Ancient Judaism (1968).
  • He concentrated on the connection between  religion and social change
  • Weber argues that religion is not necessarily a conservative force; on the contrary, religiously inspired movement have often produced dramatic social transformation.
  • Protestantism/Puritanism was the source of the outlook found in the modern west.
  • Impact of Protestantism on the development of the west is part of a comprehensive attempt to understand the influence of religion on social and economic life in varying cultures.
  • Traditional China/India, Weber pointed out, there was at certain periods a significant development of commerce, manufacturer and urban ism.
  • Hinduism= 'Other-worldly religion'= Its highest values stress escape from the toils of the…


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