religion and social protest

  • Created by: Gemma
  • Created on: 20-03-12 13:05

Bruce (2003) compared two case studies showing the role of religiously inspired protest movements in America. These were the civil rights movement and the New Christian Right. 

The American civil rights movement

  • Black civil rights movement of the 1950s/60s which attempted to end racial segregation as blacks were denied legal and political rights in many southern states. eg schools were segregated, inter racial marriages forbidden and blacks often excluded from voting
  • The movement began in 1955 and direct action through protest marches, boycotts and demonstrations followed until 1964 where the segregation was outlawed. 
  • Bruce sees religion in this context as an ideological resource (beliefs that protesters could draw on for motivation and legitimation). 
  • Religious organisations are well equipped to support protests and contribute to change by taking…


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