Religion and Mary Queen of Scots


3.4 RELIGION - catholic v protestant, puritans

The 16th century was the height of Catholicism v Protestantism

There were three main beliefs - Catholic, Puritan and the Modern Puritan

Elizabeth decided to create a new Church of England


  • Liked - bishops governed the country, ornaments and decorations, recusants pay fine to church

  • Disliked - Elizabeth head of church, Service/Bible in English, oath to new prayerbook

Modern Protestant (Puritan)

  • Liked - England was protestant, Bible, prayer and service in English, All officials swore oath to Elizabeth’s name

  • Disliked - church looked “too catholic”, Bishops had too much power


  • Liked - Bible in English, allowed to marry,

  • Disliked - protestant country, Queen in charge

Matthew Parker was made Archbishop of Canterbury. The Church of England was;

- relaxed, didn’t prosecute people

- less than 3% didn’t sign for it

- by 1568 was accepted

MARY QUEEN OF SCOTS - background, Liz treatment to her, plots, execution and impact

Mary was Elizabeth’s Catholic cousin and Queen of Scotland. When Mary came to England, she declared that she was chosen to be Queen of England. Elizabeth had many choices on how to deal with Mary;



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