Relationships Key Terms

  • Created by: 12dellm
  • Created on: 24-02-17 12:42

Evolutionary explanations focus on the adaptive nature of behaviour i.e behaviours are believed to have evolved because they solve challneges faced by our distant ancestors. 

Sexual Selection is a key part of Darwins explanation how evolution is driven by competition for mates, and development of characteristics that ensure reproductive success.

Natural Selection is the process whereby organisms better adapted to their environment in order to survive and produce more offspring. 

Matching Hypothesis is when people look for a partner for a romantic relationship, they tend to look for someone whose social desirability approxiamately equals their own.

Self-disclosure is when a person reveales intimate personal information about themselves to another person. 

CLN is how well two people fit together as a couple and meet each others needs. 

Filter thoery is when we choose romantic partners by using a series of filters that narrow down to field of availables from which we might eventually make our choice. 

Similarity in attitudes are if people share similar attitutudes, values and beliefs, communication is easier and so a relationship is likely to progress. 

Social demography refers to variables such as age, social background and location, which determine the likelihood of individuals meeting in the first place.

Social exchange theory is the likelihood


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