Relationships and families


Human beings as sexual, female and male:

  • Bible says God created man and women
  • Both male and female are made in the image of God so are of equall importance.
  • Humans should be 'fruitful and multiply'
  • Sex should be unitive, martial, and procreative

Theology of the Body:

  • God lovess every person and created two sexes to have diginity and value.
  • The body is apprecaited thorugh a deep relationship with the opposite sex in marrige.
  • Sex is an essntial part of marrige and should only occur in a marrige.
  • True mutal love includes only having the number of children that can be loveingly cared for.

Human sexuality and its expression:

  • The Church teaches that sex should be between a man and a women and only in marrige.
  • Adultry is seen as wrong an and act of betrayal.
  • Homosexual sex is not acceptable.

A valid marrige in the Catholic Church:

  • Same sex marrige is not recognised sd valid as they can't have children.
  • Only at marrige can consent be made.

Annulment, divorve and remarriage:

  • If there is a reason why a marrige was not valid there can be an annulment.
  • This means two people are free to marry again in the…


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