
  • Refraction is where a wave changes direction as it enters a different medium as a result of it changing speed, this happens because the wave interacts with the particles in the new material.
  • Light refracts because different materials have different optical densities. 
  • When a wave travels into a more optically dense material: Speed reduces, wavelength redues, frequency stays the same. 
  • n = c / cs
  • n = absolute refractive index of a material, has NO UNITS!
  • c = speed of light in a vacuum (3*10^8)
  • cs = speed of light in the substance
  • When light travels from a LESS optically dense material to a MORE optically dense material it bends TOWARDS the normal.
  • When light goes from a MORE optically dense material to a LESS optically dense material it bends AWAY from the normal. 
  • When light hits a material at 90 degrees to the surface it doesn't change direction, this is called hitting the surface normally.

Snell's Law

  • n1 * sin theta 1 = n2 * theta 2
  • Where n1 is the refractive index of material 1, and theta 1 is the angle of INCIDENCE.
  • Where n2 is the refractive index of material 2, and theta 2 is the angle of REFRACTION.
  • The angles must be measured from the normal.
  • If n1 is smaller than n2, then theta 1 is bigger than theta 2 because it's travelling into a more optically dense material, thus refracts towards the normal. 
  • If n1 is bigger than n2, then theta 1 is smaller than theta 2 because it's travelling into a less optically dense material, thus refracts away from the normal. 

Total Internal Reflection

  • We observe total internal reflection if the angle of incidence when travelling from a large refractive index to a low refractive index is increased.This happens at and above a certain angle known as the critical angle.
  • The critical angle is the angle of incidence when the refraction is 90 degrees when travelling from a more optically dense medium to a less optically dense medium. 
  • ONLY HAPPENS when travelling to a lower refractive index e.g from glass to air. 
  • when the angle of refraction is 90 degrees, the ray no longer emerges from the surface, it's reached the critical angle. Then all of the light is internally reflected. 
  • sin thetac (critical angle) = n2 / n1 

Fibre Optics

  • fibre optics or optical fibres are thin flexible glass or plastic…


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