Reducing the Spread of MRSA and Clostridium difficile

  • Created by: Olivia
  • Created on: 29-09-09 16:10

Reducing the Spread of MRSA and Clostridium difficile

MRSA (Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) and clostridium difficile are two major hospital infections which can be life threatening to patients that catch them snd also prevent their spread especially in hospitals. This is why it is essential for scientists to find a way to treat them. Both MRSA and Clostridium difficile can be found on a healthy person and can be completely harmless.

MRSA can be difficult to treat as MRSA bacteria are resistant to most types of antibiotics. Many people carry MRSA without even realising it as MRSA does not cause symptoms in healthy people.

People who are very ill or have wounds or open sores are more prone to get MRSA. It can affect you in two ways; either you are a carrier of MRSA or have an infection caused by MRSA.

If you are a MRSA carrier, the MRSA grows in or on your body with no signs or symptoms of an infection. If you go into hospital, the treatment you are likely to be offered is usually in the form of an ointment to put inside your nose or you could be given antiseptic washes, depending on where the bacteria have been found on your body.

Infections with MRSA are usually associated with high fevers and signs of the infection. MRSA can cause pneumonia.

MRSA spreads from person to person usually by direct contact. MRSA can also be spread by touching sheets, towels, clothes or dressings which have been used by someone who has MRSA.

You can prevent the spread of MRSA by washing your hands regularly. Some hospitals may ask you to use an alcohol handwash when entering and leaving. It is advisable that all cuts are covered with a waterproof dressing. If you are in contact with a person who has MRSA it is advisable to wear gloves.


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