Reasons for Relationship Breakdown (Breakdown)


Reasons for Relationship Breakdown


> DUCK came up with the reasons for relationship breakdown.

Lack of skills

> Duck suggests that people lacking social skills may be bad at making conversation, bad at indicating their interest in others, and are likely to be unrewarding in their interactions with others.

Lack of stimulation

> Lack of stimulation (e.g. boredom or the belief that a relationship isn't going anywhere).

> BAXTER found evidence that lack of stimulation is often quoted when breaking off a relationship.

> People expect relationships to change & develop and when they don't this is seen as justification to end the relationship or start a new one.

Maintenance difficulties

> Maintenance difficulties (can't see each other enough/long distance relationships).

> SHAVER ET AL. said going away to university places a great strain on relationships, and is often responsible for their breakdown.

> Some relationships can be strong enough to survive the pressures of decreased daily contact, but for many this isn't the case and…


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