RE Unit 10.3 or J3-Catholic Churches and their features-Edexcel GCSE



  • The focus; it is offered as a symbol of Christ offering himself as a sacrifice to God on the Cross.
  • Positioned so the priest can face the congregation as he celebrates Mass
  • On/near the altar are candles whose light represents the belief that Jesus is the light of the world
  • It is the main focus in the Liturgy of the Eucharist


  •  It is a storage place for the reserved Sacrament
  • It has a place of honour, usually next to the altar because it contains the consecrated hosts of the Blessed Sacrament reserved there for distribution to the sick
  • Catholics believe that Jesus is really present in the Blessed Sacrament so show their reverence…


Miss KHP


For RE Unit 10.3 or J3-Catholic Churches and their features-Edexcel GCSE

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