Raleigh and Virginia

  • Created by: elshooper
  • Created on: 07-06-18 20:16

Sir Walter Raleigh

  • a nobleman and a courtier
  • 1584: Elizabeth gave Raleigh a grant to explore and settle lands in North America
  • Raleigh needed to raise huge amounts of money and encourage potential English colonists to leave homes and settle in unknown lands
  • Raleigh didn't lead colonists but he raised funds

Why Virginia was colonised

  • Trade: explorers and colonists would be able to barter ironware, woollen cloth and hunting knives in return for animals skins, gold and other commodities that could be sold. Colonies could produce crops, sugar cane and tobacco which could be brought back
  • England less dependent on Spain, France and Italy: for imported goods
  • Welcoming and friendly natives: encouraged the English…


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