Punishment - Overview


Saxon and Medieval Times ~

Punishment was based on deterrence and retribution 

Most punishments were carried out in public

Most punishments were violent and barbaric,(this was to stop other people from doing the crime)

Early Modern Era ~

There was continuity between this period and the medieval times

Punishment continued to be based on retribution and deterrence 

Most punishments were still carried out in the eyes of the public

Punishment were still often brutal and still used violence and humiliating

Prisons existed at this time but were mainly used for holding offenders before there exicution or public humiliation

Transportation ~

This was based on the idea of banishing criminals from the country

From 1717 prisoners were sent to penal colonies in North America

After 1776 prisoners were detained in hulks

From 1778-1868 prisoners were then transported to Australia

Transportation could have been up…


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