Public Sector Provision


The public sector consists of the government and government organisations. They organise leisure in order to comply with their policies and they believe leisure can be used tactically.

The Department for Culture Media and Sport is in charge of leisure in England, and Sctoland, Wales and Northern Ireland have similar bodies with alternative names. Wales has an additional body associated with the heritage of the country.

EU funding is given to the DCMS.

The government know that individuals have social rights that can be fulfilled through leisure, and they are also aware of the percieved health benefits leisure brings to individuals and society.

Ways the government are involved in Sport leisure:

- Sports Development.

- Leisure centres.

- Regulations such as laws on floodlights.

- Grants.

- Investing in events such as the Ryder Cup and Olympics.

Functions of leisure for the government:

1. Co-ordinating functions- Helping to bring together the public, voluntary and commercial sector in order to make leisure accessible for more people, and protect the culture of the country. Linked to point 6.

2. Planning- Help plan and provide for leisure events (such as the Olympics) and develop the physical infastrcuture of the country for future generations whilst maintaining heritage. This is why the Welsh Housing department is part of the same body that deals with lesiure and heritage.

3. Law and Legislation- Used to meet government objectives relating to communities and their needs. It also allows them to build their political philosophy. Examples are laws on gambling and drinking such as the late night levy on drinking, designed to reduce the amount of alcohol sold


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