Psychology - Bennett-Levy and Marteau - Findings and conclusions

  • Created by: jkav
  • Created on: 06-04-15 12:02

Findings and Conclusions

  • Rats were feared considerably more than any other animal. Informal questioning suggested that it was because they were perceived as mean, harmful animals.
  • In the ratings, for nearness, females were found to be less willing to approach or pick up 10 of the animals than males.
  • There was no notable sex difference in ratings of uglisness, sliminess, speediness and suddeness of movement.
  • There was an extremely close correlation in the nearness ratings of men and women.
  • Speediness and sudden movement are highly correlated (r=+0.95). The correlation between nearness and sudden movement is +0.5, but when the effect of ugliness is


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