


Short term memory- stm is measured in seconds and minutes (short duration), short term memory disappedears unless they are rehearsed. It has a limited capacity and tens to be coded acoustically. it is sometimes refered to as working memory

Long Term Memory- ltm is the memory of events which has happened in the past. It can last form 2 min to 100 years. Ltm pitentially ahs unlimited duration and capactity and tends to be coded systematically


Multi store model of meomory

The multi store model of memory is an explanation on how memory works. This was developed and designed by Atkinson and Shiffrin. They believed that memory was made up of three stores. These stores are the sensory memory, the short term memory and long term memoryImage result for multi store model of memory aqa

Information first enters the memory store by there being an environmental stimulus. This information enters the sensory memory. If this information is paid attention to it travels from the sensory memory to the short term memory. To stop the information decaying and leaving the short term memory you need to rehearse it. For it to be able to travel to the long term memory you need to elaborately rehearse it.


Working Memory model 

The working memory model suggests that the STM is made up of seperate stores.These stores include the central executive, phonological loop, visuo-spatial sketchpad and episodic buffer. 

Image result for the working model of memory aqa a level

  • Central Executive - Monitors and coordinates all other mental functions in woking memory. The CE has a


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