Psychological explanations of schizophrenia

  • Created by: EloiseMay
  • Created on: 21-03-18 21:07


Schizophrogenic mother: 'Sz causing'. Fromm-Reichmann - cold and rejecting and tends to create a family climate characterised by tension and secrecy which leads to distrust and paranoid delusions and ultimatey Sz.

Double-bind theory: Bateson emphasised the role of communication. Child feels trapped when they feel they are doing something wrong and recieve mixed messages about what it is. When they do something wrong they are punished with the withdrawal of love, leaving them to see the world as dangerous and confusing. This can lead to paranoid delusions and disorganised thinking. Bateson argues that this communication style is a risk factor.

EE: Verbal criticism, hostility and emotional over-involvement in life of sufferer. This can be a source of stress and primarily a cause of relapse. It can also trigger the onset of schizophrenia in those who are already genetically vulnerable.

Sz is characterised by disruption to normal processing - ventral striatum & negative symptoms. Frith identified two types of dysfuntional thought procssing: Metarepresentation is the cognitive ability to reflect on thoughts which allows us insight into goals and to interpret the actions of others. Dysfuntion reduces our ability to recognise our thoughts and actions as carried…


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