Protein manufacture

  • Created by: Rachel
  • Created on: 21-03-13 14:27
  • The order of the bases on a DNA strand forms the genetic code.
  • There are only four bases (Adenine A; cytosine C; guanine G; thymine T) but they can be arranged in an sequence, for example ATTAGCG
  • There are 20 different amino acids in human proteins. 
  • A cell uses the sequence of bases in DNA to synthesise (build) chains of these amino acids
  • These chains then form protein. This process is called protein synthesis
  • Each amino acid is identified by a different group of bases. 
  • A specific order of bases in DNA produces a specific order of amino acids in the chain and so produces a particular protein.


  • The process of making a protein takes place in two stages. The first is transcription, which take place inside the nucleus. 
  • Here, the DNA in a gene unzips by breaking the weak hydrogen bonds between bases in the double helix
  • One


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