Pre-1834 PLAA

  • Created by: Abigail
  • Created on: 10-05-14 15:37


  • introduced in 1795 by Speenhamland in Berkshire
  • it was a way of providing relief by subsidising wages
  • it established a connection between number of dependents in a family and the price of bread
  • many parishes accepted it
  • parishes did not always give relief in the form of money, some gave flour to families while others considered each child
  • never used in the north
  • often abandoned or modified


  • a different way of providing relief
  • overseers managed a parish rate to cover the poor and set a wage for each unemployed labourer
  • ratepayers could either choose to employ labourers at the set wage or pay the parish rate
  • although uncertain if it was popular, by 1832, at least 1 in 5 parishes were using a system similar


  • a slight adaptation of the Labour Rate
  • able bodies were employed by ratepayers
  • these ratepayers would pay part of their wages while the parish paid the rest


  • was an economist who studided the population
  • he argued that the population would soon outstrip food supplies
  • thought the Poor Law…


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