Population Dynamics


The population is constantly increasing. Every second 5 people are born and 2 people die. The average person lives 69 years. In 1975, there were only 3 megacities. 5% of us consume 23% of the World's energy. 7 billion people could fit shoulder by shoulder in Los Angeles. 

Natural Increase

Bangladesh - 20.68 per 1000

Burundi - 28.7 per 1000

Denmark - 0.46 per 1000

Germany - -2.62 per 1000

Haiti - 25.54 per 1000

Iraq - 25.63 per 1000

Niger - 29.36 per 1000

Turkey - 10.13 per 1000

Uzbekistan - 18.83 per 1000

Venezuela - 15.82 per 1000

Out of all the countries, Niger has the highest natural increase and Germany has the lowest natural increase. With this information we can see that LEDC's have a higher natural increase than MEDC's. I think this is because countries such as Germany have such a low birth rate. This is due to richer countries having people who work full time and don't have time to look after babies. Also, poorer countries, such as Niger, don't have a lot of education in sexual health and protection, therefore the natural increase is much higher.

Case Studies - Lifestyle, Youthful Population and Birth Rate


In Japan, a normal twelve year old girl would be at school. These girls would have a choice in when to marry and have children. They would also have a very good education and career.


In Mexico, the population of under 15's is very high. They make up 31% of the overall population. Therefore, I think some Mexican girls may be forced in to marriage.


Burundi is an LEDC. The birth rate is very high. This means girls will probably be forced into doing something they don't want to do. 

Infant Mortality

The infant mortality rate may differ between developed and developing countries due to disease/famine/health care. In developed countries, the health care to treat disease is very good. However, in developing countries, the health care is not so good. This means that the young population is dying young due to a lack of treatment and/or living in unsuitable conditions. This also plays a part in the infant mortality rate. If the younger population live in bad conditions, it is more likely they will contract a serious illness compared to someone who lives in good conditions. 

Population Pyramids

Triangle - rapid growth (example: Kenya)

Rectangle - slow growth (example: USA)

Upside down triangle - negative growth (example: Germany)

Demographic Transition Model

A demographic transition model is a model or theory which shows how population growth occurs in a country over time. Limitations of the model - the model was developed after studying the experiences of countries in Western Europe, Japan and North America. Therefore, the conditions of wealth and resources might be different for LEDC's.

Youthful Population

Problems - pressure on housing - not enough housing - people living in slums (common in Mumbai, India).

Pressure on Schooling - illiterate (the ability…


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