Population Geography



Our current world population is estimate 7 billiion. Population is unevenly distributed around the world. Some places, like Africa, have a very high density, whereas other places, like the Highlands of Scotland, have a vary low density (Sometimes almost nothing).

Population density is measured in Population per Square Kilometre. 

The formula is Area(Square Kilometre)/Total Population

As you can imagine, there are many different countries with many different reasons to have high or low population densities.

Some countries, like the UK, have a high population density, as their is high demand for housing and as a result, houses are being built nearly everywhere. This is due to people believing they can easily migrate to the UK and America to be prosperous.

America is very similar to the UK, but has a much less density due to the fact that it has a much larger area than the UK.

However, places like Kenya have a very low density due to the fact that there are so many small communities that like together to survive outwith the main cities. Kenya has a population density of 58, whilst…


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