Popular culture

  • Created by: biilly
  • Created on: 05-06-18 17:19

Popular culture

Urban and Rural culture

Urban culture had asharp increase in theis period.Llondon's population grew from 60 thousand to 600 thousand in two hundred years. Urban culture consisted of pageants and processions such as the pope's. Books. Newspapers. Performances. 

Rural culture was charecterised by small scale gatherings. Less literacy and less access to books. Peter Bruhegal, Carnival and Lent (1559). May Day and Harvest Festivals were important.

Withdrawl of Elite

Slower and less distinct in europe vs england. Due to The enlightenment, Reformation and C. Reformation, Refinment of behaviour, Both seccular and clergy elites withdrew due to the belief some aspects of PC were superstitous/pagan.

Role of Festivals

Rural communities celebrated around 17 festivals a year. Festivals of misrule used as a means of control, allowed a controlled environment for lower classes to express their anger at both secular and religous elites. Safety valve. They had issues…


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