Plato's Forms (summary)


Epistemology: the theory of obtainable knowledge

From this stems:

- Rationalism (reason and logic) - Plato

- Empiricism (experience - a posteriori) - Aristotle

Plato - The Republic

Two worlds: Appearance (opinion) & Reality (knowledge)

 - The world of appearance is the one we reside in.

- The World of Reality is the World of Forms (influenced ideas about heaven)

 - The Form of the Good is the ultime Form, all others come from it (Beauty, Truth etc)


The Analogy of the Cave

 - Represents ignorant people who are freed into the World of Forms (reality) and are enlightened. The things in the cave represent the World Of Reality with the concept that the senses decieve you. 


Views of the Soul

- Dualist (body and soul are separate)

- Body is subject to change, soul is unchanging

- The body is a cage for the soul, which after death is freed to the World of Reality

Properties of the soul:

  • Opposites - the soul is opposite to the body (permanent)
  • Recollection…


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